The Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) left rates unchanged at its monetary policy meeting (MPC) today.

The NZD/USD pair dipped initially after the announcement, but has since recovered.

The RBNZ cited a number of factors for its decision to keep rates on hold, including the recent strength of the NZD, the slowing global economy, and the ongoing uncertainty in China.

The market is now pricing in a rate hike from the RBNZ in August.

The NZD/USD pair is currently trading around 0.6150.

The near-term outlook for the NZD is mixed, as the currency is facing headwinds from both the global economy and the RBNZ's monetary policy stance.

However, the NZD could benefit from a weaker US dollar in the coming months.

The long-term outlook for the NZD is positive, as the country is well-positioned to benefit from the global economic recovery.

The NZD is a relatively high-yielding currency, which could make it attractive to investors looking for income.

The NZD is also a relatively volatile currency, which could offer opportunities for traders.