Elon Musk has announced that his new artificial intelligence (AI) company, XAI, will use public tweets to train its AI models.

Musk believes that public tweets can provide a valuable source of data for AI training, as they can reflect real-time human thoughts and opinions.

XAI is still in its early stages of development, but Musk has said that he eventually wants it to be able to "examine the universe" and "solve some of the world's most pressing problems."

XAI will also be used to improve the performance of Tesla's self-driving cars.

Musk has said that he is "very excited" about the potential of XAI, and believes that it could "change the world."

However, some experts have warned that there are risks associated with using public tweets to train AI models, such as the potential for bias and privacy violations.

Musk has said that XAI will be designed to be "fair" and "respectful" of privacy, but it remains to be seen how the company will address these concerns.

The announcement of XAI comes at a time when there is growing concern about the potential for AI to be used for malicious purposes.

However, Musk has said that he believes that AI can be a force for good in the world, and that XAI will be used to "benefit humanity."

The launch of XAI is a significant development in the field of AI, and it will be interesting to see how the company's work progresses in the years to come.